SSRA Welcomes Dr. Natallia Kharytaniuk
The Superficial Siderosis Research Alliance is pleased to announce the appointment of Natallia Kharytaniuk MB BCH MRCS(ENT) MRCS(I) MCH, a clinical doctoral research fellow at the Ear Institute, University College London, UK, to the SSRA Medical and Scientific Advisory Board.
Dr. Kharytaniuk’s background is clinical; obtaining her medical degree with second-class honors at the National University of Ireland, Galway. She next completed a Master of Surgery degree, successfully securing a surgical residency training post in the subspecialty of Otolaryngology before moving to the United Kingdom to pursue her doctoral studies.
Dr. Kharytaniuk is currently a clinical doctoral research fellow at the Ear Institute, University College London, UK. Through a highly competitive selection process, she was awarded a doctoral scholarship by the National Institute for Health Research University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre (Deafness and Hearing Problems theme). Dr. Kharytaniuk was also honored with funding for her doctoral project from the Bernice Bibby Research Trust.
She recently was the lead presenter of “Audiovestibular Findings in Infratentorial Classical Superficial Siderosis.” This study identifies appropriate audiovestibular tests for assessing patients with infratentorial superficial siderosis, determining measurements to monitor progression and functional outcomes, and expanding management strategies for SS-related hearing loss.
- Coordinator of Superficial Siderosis Multidisciplinary Team meetings at the National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
- Contributor to University College London Superficial Siderosis Patients, Carers and Public webpage.
- Coordinator of “Living with superficial siderosis – the patient’s journey,” a virtual information event.
Published works include:
- Quality of Life in Classical (infratentorial) Superficial Siderosis Natallia Kharytaniuk, Amir Mazaheri, Menelaos Pavlou, et al.
- Assessment of Olfactory Function in Classical (Infratentorial) Superficial Siderosis Natallia Kharytaniuk, Menelaos Pavlou, David John Werring, Doris-Eva Bamiou
- Neuropsychological and neuroimaging characteristics of classical superficial siderosis Edgar Chan, Yezen Sammaraiee, Gargi Banerjee, Andreas Flores Martin, Simon Farmer, Peter Cowley, Parag Sayal, Natallia Kharytaniuk, Perla Eleftheriou, John Porter, Natasja van Harskamp, Lisa Cipolotti & David J. Werring